Stalker Call Of Chernobyl Stashes
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- Stalker Call Of Chernobyl Walkthrough
- Stalker Call Of Chernobyl Achievements
- Stalker Call Of Chernobyl Curious Stashes
- Stalker Call Of Chernobyl Artifacts
- Stalker Shadow Of Chernobyl Secret Stash In Pripyat
Stashes are simply places that NPCs can store their items, but the stashes only appear on your PDA when you loot a body of someone you killed. The stash isn't always on the same map as you, but will appear as a small purple marker with a name like 'by the cross'. Only when you have activated a stash in this way will it contain anything. Call of Chernobyl is a free-play sandbox mod for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat created by TeamEPIC. It features 32 explorable maps, reworked level design and level fixes, new original level, Trucks Cemetery, Full AI and A-Life overhaul, engine. Armypatch banditpatch cskypatch dutypatch ecologpatch freedompatch mercpatch monolithpatch stalkerpatch antirad bandage bread kolbasa conserva energydrink vodka This will exclude all of these items from spawning in stashes. Note: you have to do this before making a new game, all stashes in a game are loaded as soon as you create a new. Category:Shadow of Chernobyl stashes - The S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Wiki - Shadow of Chernobyl, Clear Sky, Call of Pripyat and more. The second version of the Autumn Aurora brings the autumnal atmosphere to the Zone and totally overhauls the graphics, sound and gameplay of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl. The mod is built on the newest Zone Reclamation Project's core, it contains official AtmosFear for ShoC which has never been released before.
Currently in-progress, this will soon be a complete list of console commands with descriptions. In it's current state, it's far more exhaustive than the previous list. If you would like to add/update any commands, please be sure to follow the current structure- an example is given below in the Notes section.
Derjyn 23:27, 17 June 2008 (EEST)
Command | Explanation |
_preset [Minimum, Low, Default, High, Extreme] | Sets quality preset (same as in-game options). |
ai_use_torch_dynamic_lights [0, 1] | Toggles NPC flashlights. |
beclient [TODO] | TODO |
bemsg [TODO] | TODO |
beserver [TODO] | TODO |
bind [action, key] | Binds an action to a particular primary key. |
bind_console [TODO] | TODO |
bind_list [no arguments] | Lists current key bindings. |
bind_sec [action, key] | Binds an action to a secondary key. |
cam_inert [0.000, 1.000] | Controls camera inertia. |
cam_slide_inert [0.000, 1.000] | TODO |
cdkey [TODO] | TODO |
cfg_load [filename.ltx] | Loads a configuration file with the specified name from the same directory as User.ltx. |
cfg_save [filename.ltx] | Saves current configuration to a new .ltx file with the specified name in the same directory as User.ltx. |
chat [TODO] | TODO |
check_for_updates [TODO] | TODO |
cl_cod_pickup_mode [0, 1] | |
cl_dynamiccrosshair [0, 1] | Toggles in-game dynamic crosshair. |
cl_voteno [TODO] | TODO |
cl_votestart [TODO] | TODO |
cl_voteyes [TODO] | TODO |
clear_log [no arguments] | Clears the console log. |
demo_play [demoname] | Plays back a pre-recorded timedemo. |
demo_record [demoname] | Records a timedemo. -- spacebar sets keyframes, if your keyframes are set press ESC, then try demo_play [recorded_demo_name] |
disconnect [no arguments] | Exists current game to main menu. |
dump_open_files [TODO] | TODO |
dump_resources [TODO] | TODO |
flush [no arguments] | Creates log of actions under the Documents and SettingsAll UsersShared DocumentsSTALKER-SHOClogs directory. |
g_always_run [0, 1] | Toggles always run/always walk. |
g_autopickup [0, 1] | TODO |
g_backrun [0, 1] | TODO |
g_corpsenum [0, 100] | TODO |
g_eventdelay [0, 1000] | TODO |
g_game_difficulty (gd_novice, gd_stalker, gd_veteran, gd_master) | Sets difficulty level. |
g_kill [no arguments] | Player kill/suicide. |
g_restart [TODO] | TODO |
g_restart_fast [TODO] | TODO |
g_swapteams [TODO] | Swap team for artefacthunt game. |
get_server_address [no arguments] | Lists server's IP address. |
help [no arguments] | Lists all console commands. |
hud_crosshair [0, 1] | Toggles in-game crosshair. |
hud_crosshair_dist [0, 1] | Toggles in-game crosshair target distance display. |
hud_info [0, 1] | Toggles hud elements. |
hud_weapon [0, 1] | Toggles in-game weapon display. |
list_actions [no arguments] | Lists all bindable character actions. |
load [savename] | Loads the saved game with the name specified. |
load_last_save [no arguments] | Loads last saved game |
main_menu [no arguments] | Takes you straight to the game's main menu screen. |
mm_mm_net_srv_dedicated [0, 1] | TODO |
mm_net_con_publicserver [0, 1] | TODO |
mm_net_con_spectator [1, 32] | |
mm_net_con_spectator_on [0, 1] | |
mm_net_filter_battleye [TODO] | TODO |
mm_net_filter_empty [0, 1] | TODO |
mm_net_filter_full [0, 1] | TODO |
mm_net_filter_listen [0, 1] | TODO |
mm_net_filter_pass [0, 1] | TODO |
mm_net_filter_wo_ff [0, 1] | TODO |
mm_net_filter_wo_pass [0, 1] | TODO |
mm_net_player_name [string] | TODO |
mm_net_srv_gamemode [st_deathmatch, st_team_deathmatch, st_artefacthunt] | |
mm_net_srv_maxplayers [2, 32] | TODO |
mm_net_srv_name [string] | TODO |
mm_net_srv_reinforcement_type [0, 2] | TODO |
mm_net_use_battleye [TODO] | TODO |
mm_net_weather_rateofchange [0.000, 100.000] | TODO |
mouse_invert [0, 1] | Toggles mouse inversion. |
mouse_sens [0.050, 0.6000] | Sets mouse sensitivity. |
name [string] | Sets your player name. |
net_cl_clearstats [TODO] | TODO |
net_cl_icurvesize [0, 2000] | TODO |
net_cl_icurvetype [0, 2] | TODO |
net_cl_interpolation [ | 1.000, 1.000] - TODO |
net_cl_log_data [0, 1] | TODO |
net_cl_resync [TODO] | TODO |
net_compressor_enabled [TODO] | TODO |
net_compressor_gather_stats [TODO] | TODO |
net_compressor_status [TODO] | TODO |
net_dbg_dump_ export_obj [0, 1] | TODO |
net_dbg_dump_import_obj [0, 1] | TODO |
net_dbg_dump_update_read [0, 1] | TODO |
net_dbg_dump_update_write [0, 1] | TODO |
net_cl_update_rate [1, 100] | TODO |
net_dedicated_sleep [0, 64] | TODO |
net_sv_clearstats | |
net_sv_gpmode [0, 2] | TODO |
net_sv_log_data [0, 1] | TODO |
net_sv_pending_lim [0 ,10] | TODO |
net_sv_update_rate [1, 100] | TODO |
ph_frequency | |
ph_iterations [15, 50] | TODO |
quit | Exits game to Desktop. |
r1_dlights [on,off] | Toggles dynamic lights, only impacts on torchlight. |
r1_dlights_clip [10.000, 150.000] | Sets dynamic light clip range. |
r1_glows_per_frame [2, 32] | Controls maximum number of light sources. |
r1_lmodel_lerp [0.000, 0.333] | Controls the Linear Interpolation of lighting. |
r1_pps_u [ | 1.000,1.000] - Controls Per Pixel Shader functionality. |
r1_pps_v [ | 1.000,1.000] - Controls Per Pixel Shader functionality. |
r1_ssa_lod_a [16.000,96.000] | Controls Level of Detail in game world. |
r1_ssa_lod_b [16.000,64.000] | Controls Level of Detail in game world. |
r1_tf_mipbias [ | 0.500,0.500] - Controls mipmap LOD bias which affects texture clarity. |
r2_aa [0, 1] | Toggles fake Antialiasing blur effect. |
r2_aa_break [0.000000, 1.000000][0.000000, 1.000000][0.000000, 1.000000] | Controls extent of fake AA. |
r2_aa_kernel [0.300, 0.700] | Controls overall blurriness of fake AA. |
r2_aa_weight [0.000000, 1.000000][0.000000, 1.000000][0.000000, 1.000000] | More precisely controls bluriness of fake AA. |
r2_allow_r1_light [0, 1] | Allows DX8 lighting under DX9 lighting model. |
r2_gi [0, 1] | Toggles Global Illumination. |
r2_gi_clip [0.000, 0.100] | Controls Global Illumination clip distance. |
r2_gi_depth [1, 5] | Controls Global Illumination shadow depth. |
r2_gi_photons [8, 256] | Controls Global Illumination effect. |
r2_gi_refl [0.001, 0.990] | Controls Global Illumination reflectivity. |
r2_gloss_factor [0.000, 10.000] | Sets level of Specularity/gloss of objects. |
r2_ls_bloom_fast [0, 1] | Toggles enhanced bloom effect. |
r2_ls_bloom_kernel_b [0.010, 1.000] | Determines level of haze from HDR/bloom effect. |
r2_ls_bloom_kernel_g [1.000, 7.000] | TODO |
r2_ls_bloom_kernel_scale [0.500, 2.000] | TODO |
r2_ls_bloom_speed [0.000, 100.000] | TODO |
r2_ls_bloom_threshold [0.000, 1.000] | Controls overall level of the lighting effect used. |
r2_ls_depth_bias [ | 0.500, 0.500] - Controls how far visible light sources shine. |
r2_ls_depth_scale [0.500, 1.500] | Controls the impact of lighting on shadows. |
r2_ls_dsm_kernel [0.100, 3.000] | TODO |
r2_ls_psm_kernel [0.100, 3.000] | TODO |
r2_ls_squality [0.500, 1.000] | Sets Shadow quality. |
r2_ls_ssm_kernel [0.500, 1.000] | TODO |
r2_mblur [0.000, 1.000] | Controls Motion Blur effect. Only works if -mblur switch is also enabled. |
r2_parallax_h [0.000, 0.500] | Controls Parallax Mapping which affects texture surface depth. |
r2_slight_fade [0.020, 2.000] | TODO |
r2_ssa_lod_a [16.000, 96.000] | Controls level of detail in game world. |
r2_ssa_lod_b [32.000,64.000] | Controls level of detail in game world. |
r2_sun [0, 1] | Toggles sun lighting/shadows. |
r2_sun_depth_far_bias [ | 0.500, 0.500] - TODO |
r2_sun_depth_far_scale [0.500, 1.500] | TODO |
r2_sun_depth_near_bias [ | 0.500, 0.500] - TODO |
r2_sun_depth_near_scale [0.500, 1.500] | TODO |
r2_sun_details [0, 1] | Toggles shadows on grass/shrubbery. |
r2_sun_focus [0, 1] | TODO |
r2_sun_lumscale [ | 1.000, 3.000] - Sets sun brightness level. |
r2_sun_lumscale_amb [0.000, 3.000] | Sets ambient light level. |
r2_sun_lumscale_hemi [0.000, 3.000] | Sets hemisphere light level. |
r2_sun_near [1.000, 50.000] | TODO |
r2_sun_near_border [0.500, 1.000] | TODO |
r2_sun_tsm [on, off] | TODO |
r2_sun_tsm_bias [ | 0.500, 0.500] - TODO |
r2_sun_tsm_proj [0.001, 0.800] | TODO |
r2_tf_mipbias [ | 0.500, 0.500] - Controls mipmap LOD bias which affects texture clarity. |
r2_tonemap [0, 1] | Toggles tone mapping effect for HDR lighting. |
r2_tonemap_adaptation [0.010, 10.000] | TODO |
r2_tonemap_amount [0.000, 1.000] | TODO |
r2_tonemap_lowlum [0.000, 1.000] | Controls effect of tone mapping on darker areas. |
r2_tonemap_middlegray [0.000, 2.000] | Controls overall look of HDR effect. |
r2_wait_sleep [0, 1] | TODO |
r2_zfill [0, 1] | TODO |
r2_zfill_depth [0.001 0.500] | TODO |
r2em [0.000, 4.000] | TODO |
r__detail_density [0.200, 0.600] | Sets grass density level. |
r__geometry_lod [0.100, 1.200] | Sets objects detail level. |
r__supersample [1, 4] | Sets antialiasing level. |
r__tf_aniso [1, 16] | Sets anisotropic filtering level. |
ra [no arguments] | TODO |
renderer [renderer_r1, renderer_r2a, renderer_r2] | Sets rendering system. |
rs_c_brightness [0.500, 1.500] | Sets brightness level. |
rs_c_contrast [0.500, 1.500] | Sets contrast level. |
rs_c_gamma [0.500, 1.500] | Sets gamma level. |
rs_fullscreen [0, 1] | Toggles fullscreen/windowed mode. |
rs_refresh_60hz [0, 1] | Toglles 60Hz Frequency option. |
rs_stats [0, 1] | Toggles display of game engine statistics, including FPS. |
rs_v_sync [0, 1] | Toggles vertical sync. |
rs_vis_distance [0.400, 1.500] | Sets vision distance. |
save [savename] | Saves the current game under the name specified (default is quicksave). |
screenshot [1] | Saves a JPG screenshot under the Documents and SettingsAll UsersShared DocumentsSTALKER-SHOCscreenshots directory. |
snd_acceleration [0, 1] | Toggles hardware sound acceleration. |
snd_cache_size [4, 32] | Sets size of sound cache. |
snd_efx [0, 1] | Toggles Sound Effects on or off. |
snd_restart [no arguments] | Restarts the sound engine; should be used after altering any snd_ variables. |
snd_targets [4, 32] | Sets the number of channels for audio. |
snd_volume_eff [0.000, 1.000] | Sets sound FX volume level. |
snd_volume_music [0.000, 1.000] | Sets music volume level. |
start [TODO] | TODO |
stat_memory [no arguments] | Toggles the display of memory-related statistics for the game engine. |
sv_addmap [TODO] | TODO |
sv_anomalies_enabled [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_anomalies_length [0, 180] | TODO |
sv_artefect_respawn_delta [0, 600] | TODO |
sv_artefact_spawn_force [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_artefact_stay_time [0, 180] | TODO |
sv_artefacts_count [1, 100] | TODO |
sv_auto_team_balance [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_auto_team_swap [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_banplayer [TODO] | TODO |
sv_banplayer_id [TODO] | TODO |
sv_banplayer_ip [TODO] | TODO |
sv_bearercantsprint [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_changegametype [TODO] | TODO |
sv_changelevel [TODO] | TODO |
sv_changelevelgametype [TODO] | TODO |
sv_client_reconnect_time [0, 60] | TODO |
sv_console_update_rate [1, 100] | TODO |
sv_dedicated_server_update_rate [1, 1000] | TODO |
sv_dmgblockindicator [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_dmgblocktime [0, 600] | TODO |
sv_dump_online_statistics [no arguments] | TODO |
sv_dump_online_statistics_period [no arguments] | TODO |
sv_forcerespawn [0, 3600] | TODO |
sv_fraglimit [0, 100] | TODO |
sv_friendly_indicators [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_friendly_names [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_friendlyfire [0.000, 2.000] | TODO |
sv_hail_to_winner_time [0, 60] | TODO |
sv_kick [name] | Kick player by name. |
sv_listmaps [id] | Kick player by id. |
sv_listplayers [TODO] | TODO |
sv_listplayers_banned [TODO] | TODO |
sv_max_ping_limit [1, 2000] | TODO |
sv_nextanomalyset [TODO] | TODO |
sv_nextmap [TODO] | TODO |
sv_pda_hunt [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_prevmap [TODO] | TODO |
sv_reinforcement_time [ | 1, 3600] - TODO |
sv_remove_corpse [ | 1, 1] - TODO |
sv_remove_weapon [ | 1,1] |
sv_return_to_base [TODO] | TODO |
sv_returnplayers [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_rpoint_freeze_time [0, 60000] | TODO |
sv_setenvtime [TODO] | TODO |
sv_setweather [TODO] | TODO |
sv_shieldedbases [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_spectr_firsteye [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_spectr_freefly [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_spectr_freelook [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_spectr_lookat [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_spectr_teamcamera [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_startteammoney [TODO] | TODO |
sv_satistic_collect [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_statistic_save [TODO] | TODO |
sv_statistic_save_auto [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_status [TODO] | TODO |
sv_teamkill_limit [0, 100] | TODO |
sv_teamkill_punish [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_timelimit [0, 180] | TODO |
sv_unbanplayer_ip [TODO] | TODO |
sv_vote_enabled [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_vote_participants [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_vote_quota [0.000, 1.000] | TODO |
sv_vote_time [0.500, 10.000] | TODO |
sv_votestop [TODO] | TODO |
sv_warm_up [0, 3600] | TODO |
texture_lod [0,4] | Sets texture level of detail level. |
unbind [action] | Unbinds any primary keys from the specified action. |
unbind_console [TODO] | TODO |
unbind_sec [action] | Unbinds any secondary keys from the specified action. |
unbindall | Unbinds all keys from all actions. |
vid_mode [WxH] | Same as in-game Resolution option. |
vid_restart | Restarts the graphics engine; should be used after changing certain graphics settings such as texture_lod and vid_mode. |
Index |
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Exploring the Zone |
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Item Location Videos |
Items in the Open |
Maps |
Interactive Maps |
Optional Missions |
Persons, Contacts & Factions |
Stashes |
Tips & Tricks |
Traders, Inventory & Prices |
Translations |
Walkthrough |
General Gameplay Tips |
Combat Tips |
Cordon |
Garbage |
Agroprom Research Institute |
Agroprom Underground |
Bar |
Dark Valley |
X18 |
Wild Territory |
Yantar |
X16 |
Army Warehouses |
Red Forest |
X10: The Brain Scorcher |
Pripyat |
Chernobyl NPP |
The Sarcophagus |
Outside Chernobyl |
Endings |
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About the Author |
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Last modified: 15/7/2010 20:28:02 CET |
Table of content |
Anomalies |
Artifacts |
Endurance and Carrying Capacity |
Firing mode - full auto, semi-auto, and single shot |
Aiming |
Food and Hunger |
Game difficulty |
Health and healing wounds |
Locked doors and containers |
Optional missions |
Radiation and antiradiation |
Artifacts and radiation |
Savegames |
Selling loot |
Stashes |
Secret stashes |
Weapons, ammunition and attachments |
Wodden crates and metal boxes |
Anomalies |
Endurance and Carrying Capacity |
Firing mode - full auto, semi-auto, and single shot | S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl has a somewhat realistic damage simulation - in other words, headshots are much more effective than shots to the body or limbs. |
Food and Hunger |
Health and healing wounds |
Locked doors. |
You will also come across doors that are locked with a padlock. Some of these can be opened if you shoot (or stab with your knife) the padlock until it falls off.
Optional missions | |
Here Sid has four optional missions - two of which require you to bring him a specific mutant bodypart or item, and two that require you to eliminate one or more targets. |
The same goes for mutant body parts - although Sidorovich personally wont buy these, you can sell body parts to other stalkers (and some vendors) for a nice price; but as explained with artifacts above, you can often pick up optional missions that require you to find a specific body part from a mutant. So if you always search the bodies of mutants and pick up any body parts that they may have, you can collect these and keep them in your stashes ready to use if an optional mission should be available.
Also note that you can cancel an optional mission if you wish to. To do this, talk to the person that you picked up the mission from (or who gave it to you) and tell him that you're there 'for the job'. You can then say that you refuse to do that particular job. As far as I know, doing this does not have any negative consequences and it can be useful if you're looking for a specific optional mission - usually certain contacts will only have about 4 or 5 different optional missions at a time, and if you're looking for a mission that isn't in this list you can pick up some of the optional missions, refuse to do them, and the list of missions available will have changed.
All around the Zone you'll run into pockets of radiation - areas full of radioactivity. When you're in such an area you can hear your geiger counter ticking; you'll be accumulating radiation which can be seen in the radiation indicator in your inventory, and a radioactivity icon will also appear on your screen. Also, when you're heavily radiated the screen will become brighter; for an example, check out this video. Even small amounts of radiation will mean that you'll start to lose health, increasing with the amount of radiation you've accumulated. The screen icon will be green initially to indicate low radiation but may become darker ending in red to indicate lethal radiation. You can drink vodka, use antiradiation drugs or special first aid kits to decrease or completely remove any radiation; also, certain artifacts can protect you against radiation and be used to remove radiation (although not as effectively - or fast - as antiradiation drugs).Artifacts and radiation |
Traders and trading | Stalker Call Of Chernobyl Achievements The other type of traders are dedicated traders that will not only sell and buy a larger variety of items than stalkers, but they can also provide a number of optional missions. Traders of this type will sell the same kind of items as other stalkers, but will also have ammunition, weapons and armors in their inventories. All of these traders, except for Skinflint, also have an unlimited amount of money so you can sell as much loot to them as you'd like. For a comprehensive list of traders, inventory and prices, etc. Lyrics of kabir bhajans. please refer to this page.
Stalker Call Of Chernobyl Curious StashesWhen you open your inventory and click on these items, you'll notice that they have a condition indicator below the item price. This indicator is important when it comes to weapons and armors since the condition of a weapon, for example, directly affects the chance of it to become jammed when you use it - a jam will require that you reload the weapon before you can fire it again, which obviously not only can be annoying but also quite fatal in the right (or should I say wrong) situation. This means that whatever weapons you decide to sell should be the ones with the worst condition; they wont be as valuable as the ones with better condition, but that shouldn't be a problem - you'll never get rich by selling weapons alone anyway, and soon enough you'll come across more weapons than you really need or even wish to carry around. The condition of a weapon (and armor) will decrease as it's used; the condition of weapons decrease very slowly with every use (ie. each time you fire), and for armors it's dependant on how much damage you've taken from bullets, explosions, etc. As the condition of an armor decreases so does its protective features - which means that you may wish, from time to time, to replace your armor with a 'fresh' (or better) version. Armors, like weapons, can be found in stashes and various places, but also be bought from vendors around the Zone. More often than not you'll end up having too much loot - finding more items, weapons, etc. than you can actaully carry with you. You can of course simply make trips back and forth from a vendor to make sure you sell it all, but it's time consuming and weapons, for example, won't really be worth it considering the amount of money you get compared to how much a weapon weighs. Ammunition is a different story - you can carry alot of ammunition at the expense of a looted weapon, and it will often net you alot more money. Also antiradiation drugs are not only more effective than vodka bottles, but they also weigh less and are more expensive - in other words, always take preference to antiradiation drugs if you're faced with a choice between the two. The Traders, Inventory & Prices page includes a weight vs. price comparison (the RU/Kg column) for all items that you can use to determine which ones are the most lucrative to haul back to a trader.
I have seen reports that some people have had their blue box stashes wiped and replaced with random loot; this is obviously concerning, and indicates that not all blue box stashes are 'safe' to use; in fact, some secret stashes (see below) appear as blue boxes which means that just because you see a blue box doesn't mean it's a safe place to store equipment. However, consider the blue box stashes in some key locations (at Sidorovich in Cordon and the 100 Rads bar in the Bar area) safe to use since they are located in 'havens' - places where other stalkers either don't come or don't wander about. Secret stashes are scattered all over the Zone but you'll need to find information about them first - this means that even if you come by a place to 'put things' (such as a pipe, a safe, or whatever) it's more than likely going to be empty unless you have found information about that particular stash first. Information about secret stashes can be found by searching the bodies of dead stalkers, bandits, etc. (mutants and zombies will not reveal such information) or may sometimes be given to you as part of a mission reward. Once you have found enough information about a secret stash it will be shown on the map in your PDA with a round, purple icon; you can hover your mouse over these icons to see a description of the individual stashes. Sometimes when you empty a secret stash the icon on your map will disappear, sometimes it wont. The latter case is experienced when you have found information about the stash more than once, without looting it in the meantime. I reckon this is a bug.It seems that a few words has been confused in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl regarding stash locations - often you may see the word 'cellar' in the description of a stash where it should actually say 'ceiling' or 'attic', and possibly vice versa. Make sure you search any bodies you come upon - even if you have already searched them before. If you kill some bandits, for example, you can search their bodies for goodies and information about stashes; if you move to a different area of the Zone, and later come back, searching the bodies again may reveal new information about other stashes. For a list of secret stashes, their locations and content, please refer to this page.
Stalker Call Of Chernobyl Artifacts
Please note that I'll often describe specifically what you can find in various crates and boxes - however, many of these items seem to be randomly generated so don't expect to find exactly the same. Stalker Shadow Of Chernobyl Secret Stash In Pripyat